AP Calculus AB (Sem 2) is the second semester in a two-semester course sequence. It offers instruction in the areas of functions and limits, differential calculus, and integral calculus. The course applies differential calculus to finding the slope of a curve, solving problems with related rates, calculating motion properties of moving particles, etc. It then applies integral calculus to finding the areas of irregular regions in a plane, volumes of rotation by various methods, and other scientific applications. Finally, the course explores analytic geometry, series and convergence, as well as polynomial series and approximations. The above is accomplished using inquiry, real-life application, and technology emphases during the course. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a deep understanding of the concepts of calculus
through developing mathematical knowledge conceptually, connecting topics and representations throughout the course, and solving diverse types of problems using various techniques and approaches. Having completed this course, students will be prepared for further post-secondary courses that require calculus, as well as for the AP exam. The course does not include the AP Exam; students can contact their school’s AP Coordinator or the College Board to sign up to take the Exam. In order to maintain the integrity of AP standards, all AP course midterm and final exams must be proctored.
Prerequisites: AP Calculus AB (Sem 1)
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to...
- Reason with definitions and theorems
- Communicate mathematical ideas in words, both orally and in writing
- Engage with graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations and demonstrate connections among them
- Implement algebraic and computational processes
- Demonstrate notational fluency
- Use a graphing calculator to explore and interpret calculus concepts
Course Outline:
Unit 5: Integration
Unit 6: Applications of Integrals
Unit 7: Differential Equations and More Riemann Sums
Unit 8: Supplemental Topics
Resources Included: Online lesson instruction and activities, opportunities to engage with a certified, online instructor and classmates, when appropriate, and online assessments to measure student performance of course objectives and readiness for subsequent academic pursuits. The following college-level textbook is provided to all enrolled students through online instructional materials integrated throughout this course:
Merz, Hewko. Calculus. StudyForge, 2011. The Digital Textbook powered by StudyForge technology consists of lessons which are delivered through multimedia video and audio components and with interactive applets and features built in every lesson, an accompanying workbook - College Calculus Workbook - Practice Questions and Detailed Solutions. Merz Learning Inc., Kelowna, British Columbia, 2011 - for taking guided, detailed notes and the performance of a large variety of practice questions with access to the detailed solutions.
Additional Costs: Students require a graphing calculator (equivalent to a TI-83 or TI-84) that can perform trigonometry functions, such as SIN, COS, and TAN. Although free graphing calculators can be found online, students are encouraged to select a physical device from the approved AP Exam Calculator Policy that they plan to use during the AP Exam, as online calculators will not be permitted for use during AP Exam sessions.
Scoring System: Michigan Virtual does not assign letter grades, grant credit for courses, nor issue diplomas. A final score out of total points earned will be submitted to your school mentor for conversion to their own letter grading system.
Time Commitment: Semester sessions are 18-weeks long: Students must be able to spend 1 or more hours per day in the course to be successful. Summer sessions are 10 weeks long: Students must be able to spend a minimum of 2 or more hours per day, or about 90 hours during the summer, for the student to be successful in any course. Trimester sessions are 12-weeks long: Students must be able to spend 1.5 or more hours per day in the course to be successful.
Technology Requirements: Students will require a computer device with headphones, a microphone, webcam, up-to-date Chrome Web Browser, and access to YouTube.
Ensure that your school or district network and device administrator whitelists online resources relevant to the course in which you are choosing to enroll. Ref., Michigan Virtual Course Whitelist
Please review the Michigan Virtual Technology Requirements.
Instructor Support System: For technical issues within your course, contact the Customer Care Center by email at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 889-2840.
Instructor Contact Expectations: Students can use email or the private message system within the Student Learning Portal to access highly qualified teachers when they need instructor assistance. Students will also receive feedback on their work inside the learning management system. The Instructor Info area of their course may describe additional communication options.
Academic Support Available: In addition to access to a highly qualified, Michigan certified teacher, students have access to academic videos and outside resources verified by Michigan Virtual. For technical issues within the course, students can contact the Michigan Virtual Customer Care by email at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 889-2840.
Required Assessment: Online assessments consist of formative and summative assessments represented by computer-graded multiple choice, instructor-graded writing assignments including hands-on projects, model building and other forms of authentic assessments.
Technical Skills Needed: Basic technology skills necessary to locate and share information and files as well as interact with others in a Learning Management System (LMS), include the ability to:
- Download, edit, save, convert, and upload files
- Download and install software
- Use a messaging service similar to email
- Communicate with others in online discussion or message boards, following basic rules of netiquette
- Open attachments shared in messages
- Create, save, and submit files in commonly used word processing program formats and as a PDF
- Edit file share settings in cloud-based applications, such as Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides
- Save a file as a .pdf
- Copy and paste and format text using your mouse, keyboard, or an html editor’s toolbar menu
- Insert images or links into a file or html editor
- Search for information within a document using Ctrl+F or Command+F keyboard shortcuts
- Work in multiple browser windows and tabs simultaneously
- Activate a microphone or webcam on your device, and record and upload or link audio and/or video files
- Use presentation and graphics programs
- Follow an online pacing guide or calendar of due dates
- Use spell-check, citation editors, and tools commonly provided in word processing tool menus
- Create and maintain usernames and passwords
Additional Information: The official course descriptions for Advanced Placement courses and information about their exams are located on the College Board site at Course and Exam Descriptions.
Michigan Virtual prepares students in AP courses for the AP exam, but does not offer the exam test itself. It is the responsibility of the school or parent to register for a local administration of the AP exam.
There are required due dates in AP courses. The pacing of due dates in AP courses aligns to the completion of all lessons and required assignments and assessments prior to the national AP exam date related to this course title. The calendar of AP exam dates is published by the College Board (Exam Calendar).
NOTICE: Study Forge provides the digital curriculum and assessments for the content of this course. Study Forge is headquartered and operates within Canada, and therefore student academic data related interacting with Study Forge content and submitting scored assessments will be stored on data hosting services located in Canada. Please see the Study Forge Privacy Policy for details concerning their data collection and safeguarding disclosures.