Biology A

Enrollment Message:

Science lab assignments may at times require students to acquire additional materials in the form of common household items. See Additional Costs section of the syllabus for details.

Biology A introduces students to the scientific method and the major concepts of biology from an historical and practical viewpoint. The three major themes of this course are the cell, the molecular basis of heredity, and the interdependence of organisms. Students who take this class will have a deeper appreciation for the complexities of living organisms. Life on this planet, unlike anywhere else in the observable universe, is complex and highly organized. Whether examining life on the molecular or the planetary level, it exhibits a highly organized structure that inspires awe by its genius and complexity. In the last 50 years, discoveries have launched new branches of biology that have transformed the daily routine, from conception to death. New challenges await, such as the current crisis in ecology, global warming, and the resurgence in viral disease. To make rational choices in the 21st century, the citizen must have a basic understanding of biological concepts and the reasoning behind them. Biology A is presented in a multimedia format using interactive modules, labs, narrated animation, text, and videos to present the study of life on this planet. Prerequisites:  Middle School Science

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following scientific concepts...

  • Cellular Processes
  • A Molecular Basis of Heredity
  • Interdependence of Organisms
  • Causes and Cures of Contagious Diseases
  • Human Populations and their Impact on their Environments

Course Outline:

Module 1: The Principles of Life

Module 2: The Principles of Inheritance

Module 3: Plants

Module 4: Classification

Module 5: Animal Invertebrates

Module 6: Animal Vertebrates

Resources Included: Online lesson instruction and activities, opportunities to engage with a certified, online instructor and classmates, when appropriate, and online assessments to measure student performance of course objectives and readiness for subsequent academic pursuits.

Additional Costs: Science lab assignments may at times require students to acquire additional materials in the form of common household or other widely available items. Materials needed includes, but may not be limited to, household or craft items appropriate for building a model of cells, one or two live flowers, scissors, a magnifying glass, fruit, a plant for observation, a mirror. NOTE: The above list is subject to change with updates or enhancements of activity and assessment experiences within the course. See individual assignment instructions within the course for final and up-to-date lists of material needs.

Scoring System: Michigan Virtual does not assign letter grades, grant credit for courses, nor issue diplomas. A final score out of total points earned will be submitted to your school mentor for conversion to their own letter grading system.

Time Commitment: Semester sessions are 18-weeks long: Students must be able to spend 1 or more hours per day in the course to be successful. Summer sessions are 10 weeks long: Students must be able to spend a minimum of 2 or more hours per day, or about 90 hours during the summer, for the student to be successful in any course. Trimester sessions are 12-weeks long: Students must be able to spend 1.5 or more hours per day in the course to be successful.

Technology Requirements: Students will require a computer device with headphones, a microphone, webcam, up-to-date Chrome Web Browser, and access to YouTube.

Please review the Michigan Virtual Technology Requirements:

Instructor Support System: For technical issues within your course, contact the Customer Care Center by email at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 889-2840.

Instructor Contact Expectations: Students can use email or the private message system within the Student Learning Portal to access highly qualified teachers when they need instructor assistance. Students will also receive feedback on their work inside the learning management system. The Instructor Info area of their course may describe additional communication options.

Academic Support Available: In addition to access to a highly qualified, Michigan certified teacher, students have access to academic videos and outside resources verified by Michigan Virtual. For technical issues within the course, students can contact the Michigan Virtual Customer Care by email at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 889-2840.

Required Assessment: Online assessments consist of formative and summative assessments represented by computer-graded multiple choice, instructor-graded writing assignments including hands-on projects, model building and other forms of authentic assessments.

Technical Skills Needed: Basic technology skills necessary to locate and share information and files as well as interact with others in a Learning Management System (LMS), include the ability to:

  • Download, edit, save, convert, and upload files
  • Download and install software
  • Use a messaging service similar to email
  • Communicate with others in online discussion or message boards, following basic rules of netiquette
  • Open attachments shared in messages
  • Create, save, and submit files in commonly used word processing program formats and as a PDF
  • Edit file share settings in cloud-based applications, such as Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides
  • Save a file as a .pdf
  • Copy and paste and format text using your mouse, keyboard, or an html editor’s toolbar menu
  • Insert images or links into a file or html editor
  • Search for information within a document using Ctrl+F or Command+F keyboard shortcuts
  • Work in multiple browser windows and tabs simultaneously
  • Activate a microphone or webcam on your device, and record and upload or link audio and/or video files
  • Use presentation and graphics programs
  • Follow an online pacing guide or calendar of due dates
  • Use spell-check, citation editors, and tools commonly provided in word processing tool menus
  • Create and maintain usernames and passwords

Additional Information: None


School Level: High School
Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
NCAA Approved: Yes
Alignment Document: Document
Course Location:
NCES Code: 03051
MDE Endorsement Code: DA - Biology
MMC Minimum Requirements: Science - Biology

When Offered: _Internal Use Only

Content Provider: Accelerate Education
Instructor Provider: Michigan Virtual

Course Type: Plus